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21aug 2024
She of the Trees

Taynult, Scotland

An intentional creativity painting retreat in Scotland “She of the trees” - Who would you be if you were a tree?

Who would you be if you were a tree?

I love the question that I once heard Byron Katie (The Work) ask: Who would you be without your story?

And it has brought me on a journey of wonder. Exploring the realm where stories are born. Questioning the stories that seem to be “accepted and acceptable”. Feeling into new stories.


So for this retreat the longing came up to come together in the story about nature and specifically trees. What if the stories we get told about separation, “men above nature’ are not true? What if the story about connection includes all of nature, and we are part of that? So we can connect with trees, and become one with them? How would your story sound with the whispers of the wind in your leaves? How solid would your story be with roots deep in the ground? How far would your branches reach. Who and what would find a safe space in your presence? Who would you be if you were a tree?


During our retreat we will include much more in our story of connection, such as wild foods and sacred places. Walking with and amongst ancient trees, learning to identify some of the Celtic Ogham trees, and their underlying energies. We will invite in the elements in different ways to be present on this retreat, remembering how they support all life. Connecting to the earth through fire ceremony, water blessing, and lots of laughter and sharing our voices. Meditation, energy work, movement and creative exercises will be part of the journey to your “She of the trees”


Intentional Creativity is a guided method of painting that can release blocks, transform old stories into empowering new endings, and create clarity and vision for the future. Everything within us, past, present, and future, lives in a story. By creating with mindfulness and intention, we are more present because we chose to be. The creative flow of Intentional creativity came to me by way of Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici from her teacher Shiloh Sophia McCloud, and her mentor Sue Hoya Seller. I have trained with both Amber and Shiloh and love discovering the magic and beauty of this process.


What is included:

All materials

delicious vegetarian and foraged wild food catered by Vicky Manning


Ritual at sacred spaces

Lodging possible 

Prices will follow



Catering by Vicky Manning - The Little Foragers Kitchen

I am a Wilderness Therapeutic Practitioner, trauma informed coach, forager and outdoor educator.

I have worked with both community groups and private individuals in Scotland for over 20 years, both as a teacher and catering wild meals for groups. My passion for the outdoors was sparked as a child, spending time living and travelling with my Grandparents, collecting wild food and medicine for the pot and the store cupboard.

Food is medicine and eating wild resilient plants helps build our resilience. Foraging for our food helps root us to place and the other than human people and things that reside there, fostering a sense of belonging and stewardship for the land, for the benefit of all.

I am looking forward to creating wild meals with intentional creativity at this special retreat.



21 aug 2024 t/m 25 aug 2024
13.00 - 15.00
nog nader te bepalen
Minimaal 4 deelnemers.
Maximaal 8 deelnemers.


Paula's place

Taynult, Scotland


  • marike AT bewustleiden DOT nl
She of the Trees

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