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20apr 2024
Empowering Women: Holistic Approaches and Hormone Therapy for Perimenopause & Menopause

Olga Willemsen
Den Haag

Discover the impact of hormone levels on mental and physical well-being and health before, during, and beyond menopause, when to consider HRT, and how to navigate the journey. I will share my personal experience and tips. Let us empower ourselves!

Are you in your 40s or early 50s? Do you experience perimenopause or menopause symptoms starting with tiredness, stress, anxiety, poor sleep, weight gain, etc?Join me for an insightful talk on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). 

As a Ph.D. with a background in pharmaceutical research, a certified hypnotherapist, and someone who successfully managed autoimmune thyroid inflammation using lifestyle interventions, I am a passionate advocate for holistic health. 

Discover the impact of hormone levels on mental and physical well-being and health before, during, and beyond menopause, when to consider HRT, and how to navigate the journey. I will share my personal experience and tips. Let's empower ourselves with knowledge!

The talk will be followed by the Menopause Cafe: Drink, Eat, Discuss Menopause.

Can't wait to see you there!


20 apr 2024
13.00 - 13.45


Sherlock Holmes The Hague
Sumatrastraat 314
2585 CZ Den Haag


Empowering Women: Holistic Approaches and Hormone Therapy for Perimenopause & Menopause

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